UIA Team Insertion
Ideological Team Insertion: Wyoming
I anticipate an economic crisis within the next five years. Most likely we'll have stock market confirmation of this crisis in an October between now and 2002. Many in the liberty movement are anticipating a printing press inspired inflationary crises. A fter reviewing the arguments presented in The Crest of the Tidal Wave(available from Amazon.com) and The Great Reckoning, I tend to agree with Prechter, Davidson & Rees-Mogg that a deflationary depression is the more probable scenario.
The good news is that a depression, while painful, has the chance to set the U.S.A on a sound economic course for the next fifty years. But only so long as we can keep the government (and civilians) from employing the standard statist response to depression. Per the UIA argument, the east coast will most certainly try to employ their statist solutions.
Unfortunately, even UIA candidates like Wyoming may stumble into following socialist/new deal promises. An individualist sense of life doesn't automatically mean an individualist economics.
With an economic crisis pending, I believe we must make a concerted effort to reach the people of Wyoming (and, time permitting, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Arizona and other western states). We should not waste our efforts lobbying politicians in Wash ington or Cheyenne, but focus on lobbying and educating the public.
We need to establish a traveling road show warning the population of the coming crisis and how to prepare for it and even prosper. We must encourage debt elimination and show citizens how to protect themselves from the barbarism the will burst from the pol itical fissures of the economic crisis. We must inoculate them to resist the wave of collectivist/racist irrationality that will likely sweep the nation as the economic illiterates seek scapegoats.
The problem is that we don't want to neglect our own personal finances and preparations for the sake of others. And that is why such a road show must be run as a profit making venture. I will be looking into the costs of renting conference rooms in a varie ty of Wyoming cities, buying newspaper ads in Wyoming community newspapers, the costs of hotel rooms for the road crew, and the travel costs.
Perhaps a roadside revival tent like approach will draw more attendees.
If our admission price is $30, perhaps the newspaper ad could offer a prepaid (by Visa or Mastercard) reservations for $20.
We'd probably need a turnout of at least 100 people to earn minimal returns from the lecture.
I believe the lecture should stay clear of any direct endorsement of any political party or candidates, but should present some basic principles of economics, investment, and »survival« technique in a 90 minute lecture.
Topics that should be covered are:
Deflation and depression
Pitfalls of statist solutions
Wealth at risk
Cultural signs
How western states can avoid being dragged down by eastern seaboard.
Once citizens understand the economics of freedom, they will likely respond to the arguments offered by the political candidates advocating freedom.
Wyoming communities targeted for the Economic Crisis Tour:
Green River
Mammoth Hot Springs
Rock Springs
The newspaper ad will be roughly as follows:
World Wide Economic Crisis is Imminent
How do you survive and prosper?
If you are a home owner, a teacher, a land owner, a banker, a businessman, politician or the head of a family, you need to learn about the coming economic and political crisis. Learn how to avoid losing your home and savings, how your job will be affected , how to keep your land, how to guard your loans, how to protect your business, how to keep your community afloat, and how to protect your family and prosper during the coming economic storm.
Attend a two hour seminar on month xx at 7:00PM. Call (800) xxx-xxxx and make your reservations today. Admission is $30 at the gate, but save $x by calling in your reservation today. Money Back Guarantee: An opportunity to receive a refund of your money wi ll be offered before the lecture ends.